Friday, September 19, 2008

Snow Day

So as I sit here in my friend Kyle's condo watching pushing daisies I realized two things....
A.) I am seriously obsessed with this show... and...
B.) Sometimes you just need to take a day off

So I have spent this entire week running around like a mad women... From work, to teaching, to rehearsals, to doing special secret things.... And the sad part is that I haven't even had time just sit and chill with friends... there's nothing about this week that was relaxing.
So here I sit, sickly on my friend's couch, watching pushing daisies and falling more and more in love with the lonely pie maker, who isn't so lonely anymore (or Ned for those of you not too familiar with the show) Seriously he is adorably sweet and caring... I might add that I am insanely jealous of his girl Chuck, everything from her style, her demeanor, and especially the fact that Ned is absolutely and totally in love with her.
I'm not quite sure where I was going with this Blog but basically if you haven't seen the show yet you better get on it quick! IT'S AMAZING!!!!


Casey T. said...

It is amazing! Loves it

Allie said...

I LOOOOOVE IT! I am so excited for the new season to START, already. Stupid writer's strike. (Halfway kidding..)